Chia Bia Seeds as an Egg Substitute

Many people suffer from egg intolerance, which seriously restricts their diets…and also means that they often miss out on goodies and treats! Well what if we told you that there is a simple way to replace eggs in your baking…just by using our wonder seed? Yep, chia seeds can be used as an egg substitute – giving you all of the taste, as well as Omega 3 and fibre that is found naturally in chia!

As we know, chia is hydrophilic and absorbs 9-10 times its weight when soaked in water – this, in turn, creates a gel which can be used to bind your ingredients together. As chia is relatively tasteless it will not affect the flavour of your baked goods. Chia can be cooked/baked up to 200 degrees before it affects the nutritional value of the seed.

To use chia as an egg substitute – combine 1 tablespoon of Chia bia seeds (whole or milled) with 3  tablespoons of water (per egg required) allow 10 – 15 minutes to gel, use in your baking mixture and bake as normal.

So if you have an egg intolerance, you can still enjoy cupcakes, muffins, cakes and cookies, with the added bonus of the nutritional benefits of our wonderful Chia Bia!



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